Bare Acts

128/177 MV Act – Triple Riding 

128/177 MV Act –  Triple Riding 

128/177 MV Act Fine – 500/- (five hundred rupees)

Second time Fine – 1500/- (one thousand and five hundred rupees.)

128 MV Act — Safety measures for drivers and pillion riders —

(1) No driver of a two-wheeled motor cycle shall carry more than one person in addition to himself on the motorcycle and no such person shall be carried otherwise than sitting on a proper seat securely fixed to the motorcycle behind the driver’s seat with appropriate safety measures.

(2) In addition to the safety measures mentioned in sub-section (1), the Central Government may, prescribe other safety measures for the drivers of two-wheeled motorcycles and pillion riders thereon.

Section 177 of MV Act 1988 :- General provision for punishment of offences —

Whoever contravenes any provision of this Act or of any rule, regulation or notification made thereunder shall, if no penalty is provided for the offence be punishable for the first offence with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, and for any second or subsequent offence with fine which may extend to one thousand and five hundred rupees.

128/177 MV Act FAQ

When does section 128/177 of MV act apply ?

Triple Riding 

How much fine 128/177 MV ACT ?

500/- (five hundred rupees)