Bare Acts

129 /177 MV Act – W/O Helmet

129 /177 MV Act – W/O Helmet

129 /177 MV Act Fine – 500/- (five hundred rupees)

Second time Fine – 1500/- (one thousand and five hundred rupees.)

129 MV Act — Wearing of protective headgear —

Every person, above four years of age, driving or riding or being carried on a motorcycle of any class or description shall, while in a public place, wear protective headgear conforming to such standards as may be prescribed by the Central Government:

Provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to a person who is a Sikh, if, while driving or riding on the motorcycle, in a public place, he is wearing a turban :

Provided further that the Central Government may by rules provide for measures for the safety of children below four years of age riding or being carried on a motorcycle.

Explanation — “Protective headgear” means a helmet which, —

(a) by virtue of its shape, material and construction, could reasonably be expected to afford to the person driving or riding on a motorcycle a degree of protection from injury in the event of an accident; and

(b) is securely fastened to the head of the wearer by means of straps or other fastenings provided on the headgear.

177 of MV Act 1988 :- General provision for punishment of offences —

Whoever contravenes any provision of this Act or of any rule, regulation or notification made thereunder shall, if no penalty is provided for the offence be punishable for the first offence with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, and for any second or subsequent offence with fine which may extend to one thousand and five hundred rupees.

128/177 MV Act FAQ

When does section 129 /177 MV Act apply ?

W/O Helmet

How much fine 129 /177 MV Act ?

500/- (five hundred rupees)