Bare Acts

5/180 MV Act – Allowing Unauthorized Person To Drive Vehicle

5/180 MV Act – Allowing Unauthorized Person To Drive Vehicle

5/180 MV Fine – 5000/- (five thousand rupees) or imprisonment may extend to three months or both

5/180 MV Fine – Impose by Court

5 MV Act — Responsibility of owners of motor vehicles for contravention of sections 3 and 4 —

No owner or person in charge of a motor vehicle shall cause or permit any person who does not satisfy the provisions of section 3 or section 4 to drive the vehicle.

Section 180 of MV Act 1988 :- Allowing unauthorised persons to drive vehicles —

Whoever, being the owner or person in charge of a motor vehicle, causes, or permits, any other person who does not satisfy the provisions of section 3 or section 4 to drive the vehicle shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with fine of five thousand rupees, or with both.

5/180 MV Act FAQ

When does section 5/180 MV Act apply ?

Allowing Unauthorized Person To Drive Vehicle

How much fine 5/180 MV Act ?

5000/- five thousand rupees or imprisonment may extend to three months or both